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Many-body Quantum Dynamics

Cavendish Laboratory

Welcome to our website!

We use ultracold atoms as quantum simulators for many-body phenomena and as quantum sensors, in particular for fundamental physics.


Quantum Simulaton

We are studying many-body phenomena at the interface between quantum optics and solid state physics. Following a statement by P.W. Anderson, "More is Different", genuine many-body phenomena are emergent phenomena that only appear when many particles come together, typical examples being superfluidity or magnetism.

Our main tool are quantum gases and in particular ultracold atoms in optical lattices.

  • One avenue of research is the creation and analysis of novel synthetic quantum matter, that is novel many-body systems with fascinating properties, for instance novel types of order. Examples include topological systems or many-body localisation.
  • Another direction is quantum simulation. Here we aim to study existing problems such as the physics of strongly-correlated materials, which are in general impossible to model using classical supercomputers. The main workhorse here is the implementation of bosonic and fermionic Hubbard models in our experiments.
  • In particular, we are often interested in the non-equilibrium dynamics of the above systems.


Quantum Sensors

The humble atom is nature's most powerful quantum sensor, and its unparalleled precision is harnessed in atomic clocks to literally define our time. A new and upcoming development are plans to exploit large-scale atom interferometers, where baselines can range from 10m to km- and larger scales, that will offer unprecedented sensitivity to detect gravitational waves in the mid-frequency range, search for ultra-light dark matter, and hunt for unknown physics. 
We are part of the AION collaboration that is developing a new experimental platform to perform interferometry with ultracold strontium atoms. 


Please read on if you want to learn more about our research.

Please contact us if you are interested in working with us as an undergraduate (e.g. for an external Master's thesis) or graduate student or Postdoc!

You can read our latest tweets on Twitter @CaMBQD or  



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